
Accreditation Information

Emerson Institute is owned, operated and controlled by The Positive Living Center of Central California, Inc., a 501c3 non-denominational New Thought/Religious Science church. It is accredited by the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries. With its executive offices in Florida, the ACI currently accredits over 200 schools and colleges in 33 states in the United States and in 11 countries on five continents.

This is a church-related accreditation, not an academic one. Students taking Emerson classes should not assume that credits will be accepted by secular and other private schools, colleges, businesses, or governmental agencies. It is the responsibility of the students to check with school districts, businesses, and other institutions to determine if Emerson credits will be accepted prior to taking classes.

Degree and Credential Programs

All of Emerson’s courses of study and programs have the New Thought belief system as a foundation. It incorporates universal spiritual principles as found in world religions and teachings.

Emerson takes pride in its spiritually-oriented programs and its emphasis on solid spiritual and personal growth. Spiritually-based, not academic, degrees are thus offered. Students desiring academic degrees (such as B.S., M.A., Ph.D., etc.) should enroll in private or state colleges offering such degrees.

A Bachelors Degree consists of a student completing 120 semester units, including a 4 semester unit professional paper.

Credit will be considered for classes completed at other universities and colleges. Consideration will also be given for seminars, workshops and continuing education courses completed. Learn more.

A Masters Degree requires 30 semester units above the Bachelors Degree, including a 4 semester unit professional paper.

Credit will be considered for classes completed at other universities and colleges beyond the Bachelors Degree level. Related seminars, conferences and continuing education courses will also be considered. Learn more.

The requirement is 60 units beyond the Masters Degree that includes a 4 semester unit professional paper.

Credit will be considered for classes completed at other universities and colleges, as well as seminars, conferences and continuing education courses. Learn more.

The Certificate of Completion Programs lead to credentialing as a Practitioner, Animal Chaplain, and Minister. Learn more.

Credit for Previous Study

Emerson will give credit for previous studies successfully completed through other schools, and, in some situations, work experience, seminars, and workshops related to the major field of study.

To receive credit supporting documentation must accompany application for admission. See Enrollment for complete information.

Personal Growth (Non Degree)

Students are welcome to enroll in Emerson Institute and take courses that fit with their personal needs, beliefs, interests and steps towards self-actualization. Emerson Institute classes may be taken for choices towards personal growth and not necessarily leading to a degree. If at a later time a student decides to pursue a degree or credential, the courses already taken will be considered for credit in all the degree programs.

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